JOHN BUNN’S CASE IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Rogue homicide detective framed teenager

At age 14, John was charged with the murder and attempted murder of two NYC Correction Officers in Brooklyn in 1991. He was convicted in a high-profile case at the time based upon the testimony of one eyewitness. New evidence has surfaced that Louis Scarcella and other rogue Brooklyn homicide detectives illegally arrested John in his mother's apartment and framed him for the murder. Scarcella, whose tactics have come under fire in dozens of cases, was in charge of the investigation and involved in the identification procedure of John. EXI's fight to clear John's name continues as we move forward with an emotionally charged 440 hearing, which is still underway in Brooklyn.Bunn Glenn RebeccaRead about John's case:Louis Scarcella Defends His Work at Hearing on Conviction in ’91 MurderScarcella Coached Robbery Victim Before Lineup, Lawyer Says at a HearingEffort to Vacate Man’s Murder Verdict Focuses on Work by Detective in CaseAttorneys of Brooklyn man convicted in 1991 have unearthed recordings from prosecutor's key eyewitness


EXI Client Richard Rosario Released After 20 Years in Prison, Despite 13 Alibi Witnesses


Selwyn Days' case in the spotlight: New trial granted based on false confession